Dog Training Programs

Ready to deepen the bond between you and your dog?

~In an effort to continue providing free services to all search & rescue victims, we are now offering dog training programs! Thank you for supporting your local K-9 unit!~

Explore the relationship you never knew was possible with your dog! Train your K9 to be more obedient and content, walk beside you on a leash, reduce unwanted behaviors, give your dog a sense of purpose/mental stimulation and deepen your relationship through a newfound confidence and trust.

“I was so proud of our pup tonight! We went to the park, and he ran around with some of his friends. There was a little dog that ran off and one or two other dogs started chasing it down the sidewalk, away from the park. I called “come” and he came right to me! Then we went on a long walk, and he eventually took me to Starbucks and of course I had to buy him a puppaccino! We had a marvelous time. Thank you so much. I can’t believe how much joy it brings me to walk him. I’m so grateful.  Thank you for coming into our lives amd bringing so much love, wisdom, friendship and joy.”

Graduate of Dog Behavioral Training Program

Here’s how we can help YOU!:

1) One-on-One Obedience Training

An obedient dog is a happy dog! In our obedience training program, we create a positive training experience that will lay the groundwork for you to have a great and rewarding relationship with your dog for years to come. Incorporating fun search and rescue style training with the basic obedience program, we stimulate your dog’s mind while also teaching your companion a service. In this 1-on-1 personal training class, we teach your dog using both verbal commands and hand signals (useful skills for when your dog is off leash down the road).

Cost: $150 per 90 minute session + free consultation to understand your goals and set up an appropriate plan of action to accomplish them

2. Behavioral Modification Program

Have you ever asked yourself what is the ideal relationship you’d like to have with your dog? Using positive reinforcement training by encouraging and capitalizing on positive behaviors, we can shape the relationship you have with your dog starting with the very first session.

Cost: $150 per 90 minute session + free consultation to discuss behavioral modification issues and set up an appropriate plan of action to accomplish your goals.

3. Give Your Dog A Job Program

Did you know that giving your dog a job and a sense of purpose is mentally engaging, physically healthy and emotionally stabilizing for your four legged best friend? From scent work to hide and seek to therapy dog work to simple tasks around the house, dogs, like humans, live a happier, longer and more adjusted life when they have (or even feel like they have) a purpose. Let us help you find the perfect “job” for your pup and you’ll be amazed at the difference you see in your dog! 

Cost: $150 per 90 minute session

4. Pet meditation

As Certified Meditation Instructors who have spent many years both professionally training and meditating with dogs, we have seen countless examples that whatever emotional state the handler is in runs right down the leash and impacts their pet. Scientific studies prove that when a person is stressed or anxious, their dog reacts similarly. Likewise, a calm and confident handler creates a calm and well adjusted dog. Pet meditation helps not just people improve their health but it also gives our pets the same added benefits while deepening your bond.

Cost: $150 per 90 minute session **Ask us about the pay what you can afford program.

5. Holistic Dog Care

We are passionate about giving our best friends the highest quality of life that we can for as many years as we can. For over a decade we have been treating our search and rescue dogs using holistic methods and natural alternatives. If you are looking for a more holistic, natural way to support your dog’s diet, health and overall wellbeing, please reach out for a free consultation. We will be happy to set up a plan in order to achieve you and your dog’s short and long term goals. 

Cost: $150 per 90 minute session